While some people are in favor of the death penalty, others are strongly against it. According to these people, there are so many reasons why the death penalty should be abolished. Some of their strong arguments against the death penalty include the following:

*The death sentence is a sin. It is a grave sin to kill anyone. Many opponents of the death penalty see the act of killing someone such as a murderer no different from the crime the murderer committed in the first place. According to these people, God does not endorse killing. One of the Ten Commandments that God gave the world is to avoid killing any person. He categorically said this in the Old Testament, “Thou shall not kill”. It is therefore considered a sin to kill anyone regardless of their crime.

*Another reason the death penalty or capital punishment should be abolished is because of the fact that some innocent people end up being given the death sentence when in actual fact they are not guilty. Over the years there have been numerous cases of innocent people being sentenced to death and actually getting executed simply because they were framed or because there was no evidence in their favor to disentangle them from the crime that led to their arrest and sentence. The saddest thing here is that for some innocent people who have been condemned to death, the truth only comes out after they have been executed. The abolishment of the death penalty can prevent some of these unfair deaths.

*Some people can change. Not everybody is recalcitrant or beyond reformation. There are some people, who after committing very grave crimes, can turn a new leaf and be very productive people in society. There have been numerous cases where very hardened criminals find religion while in prison and change dramatically to the point where they act as inspirations for other negative people in society to change from their negative or criminal activities. But once these people are executed through capital punishment, there is no chance for them to change and help society. This is another reason why the death penalty should not be encouraged.

*The death penalty is considered by many to be a highly barbaric and inhumane act, which makes a society no different from the murderer being punished with death.

*Another reason the death capital punishment should be abolished is because of the fact that there are certain crimes that are committed on impulse. Here, the perpetrator of the crime did not deliberately decide to commit the crime.

*Others argue that the death penalty should be abolished simply because of the fact that death might just not be a punishment. They argue that no one knows how death is. No one has died before and returned from death, so no one knows whether death is enjoyable or not. So why not sentence a criminal such as a murderer to life imprisonment so that he or she suffers right here on earth in order to atone for his or her crime rather than killing the person. For all you know death might just be something not as scary as we make it look like.

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